My Pencil Cozies

Copy Right to; Judith Prindle 8/28/05
G Hook
Worsted Weight Yarn
Chain 5, slip stitch together to form a circle.
Do not join, work 5 single crochet around until the pencil
cozy is as long as you want it. I made them 2 & 1/2 to 3 inches.
Slip stitch to end. Feed the yarn on the ending up to the top.
(both ends of yarn on same end) I slipped the loose end into
itself so it will stay put. Both ends are open.
These ends become part of the fringe.
Fill in with more yarn. You can slide the cozy to the writing
end to use as a cushion if you want.
I chose to unwind the yarn on these.
I used buttons (the stars and car)
and strung alphabet beads to make my grandkids names.
The ways you can decorate these cozies are almost endless.